5 Popular Murphy Bed Queries Answered

library murphy bed

5 Popular Wall Bed Queries Answered

In most cases a client will come to us with a problem . They lack space such as in an apartment or don’t want to waste space having a permanent bed in a guest or spare room. They first think sofa bed or fold out bed but quickly come to the conclusion that a wall bed is a better more permanent solution.

A wall bed is far sturdier and long lasting than most fold out beds or sofa beds from our experience.

Here are 5 questions answered that we get regularly asked.

Question#1: Do You Have A Show Room?

In this day and age having a retail showroom is expensive with leases, utilities, and staff and this cost will be passed on to customers. If you look at any of our competitors around Melbourne with showrooms you will see they charge almost double for a comparable product. We understand clients want to see before they buy and that’s why we have a comprehensive website with plenty of examples. Our website is our show room without charging you extra. The wall beds we endorse have been selling in Australia for over 30 years and it was our top sales manager Leigh Robinson who first imported them in from the USA all those years ago.

Question#2: How Much Room Do They Take Up?

A basic wall bed without cabinetry is similar to a wardrobe and will extend out from a wall about 400mm. If you had a wall bed against a wall you wouldn’t even guess there is a bed in it whether it was vertical or horizontal. From an aesthetic point of view this will not impinge on the interior design or layout of any room much at all. If you choose the library bed, studio bed (with desk) or side cabinetry or book shelves then more room is required but it never looks out of place or cumbersome. You still get your floor space back.

Question#3: Quality & A Good Night Sleep?

Our wall bed quality is based on the mechanism and structure which is one of the best you can buy anywhere in the world. The mechanism is sturdy, strong, guaranteed and feels like a normal bed. This is the most important aspect of the wall bed – it’s a REAL bed that simply folds away. The bed is ventilated, stable and with our special wall bed mattress you are certain of a good night sleep for you or your guests. It’s also easy to make the bed and with our unique harness the bed stays tidy when you close it up for the day.

Question#4: Can We Organise Installation Ourselves?

We have many builders and home renovators that are quite capable of installing the wall beds themselves and we provide instructions. We do advise you will need some cabinetry experience or similar and the installation will require two people. The only bed we don’t advise installing yourself and can’t supply you with is the library bed as this requires extra expertise. If you want our high quality side cabinetry with book shelves or cupboards these are available in flat packs and can also be delivered to you.

installing a wall bed

Question#5: Can We Match Our Existing Decor?

We can match most existing interior design elements but some cabinetry colours or finishes will cost extra (but not that much in the big scheme of things.) Our most popular standard colour is white but check out our full colour range here.

Bonus Question: Delivery & Installation Times

We deliver Australia wide but only install in Victoria. Please allow about 6-8 weeks from the payment of your order to installation. This varies according to demand.

Wall beds are a great way of organising or reorganising wasted space in your home or apartment especially if you are looking for a long lasting solution. Our wall beds, according to our customers, are the perfect answer to their space issues and fit in well with their home’s existing decor.

Call or email Leigh Robinson today to gain the usefulness of a bedroom or guest room with a wall bed installation. PH: 0412 525 137